Welcome, Providers!
We’ve partnered with UnitedHealthcare to bring you more online resources and interactive tools, designed to help you get the most out of partnership with Peoples Health. To review and research all claims data prior to December 31, 2023, please use the Legacy/Pre-2024 Provider Portal link. For benefit, eligibility and claims data beginning Jan. 1, 2024, use the Current Provider Portal link.
Welcome, Providers!
We’ve partnered with UnitedHealthcare to bring you more online resources and interactive tools, designed to help you get the most out of partnership with Peoples Health. To review and research all claims data prior to December 31, 2023, please use the Legacy/Pre-2024 Provider Portal link. For benefit, eligibility and claims data beginning Jan. 1, 2024, use the Current Provider Portal link.
Let’s make sure you’re in the right spot! Pick the plan year below.
Legacy/Pre-2024 Provider Portal
For benefit, eligbility and claims data prior to 12-31-23
Current Provider Portal
For benefit, eligbility and claims data beginning 1-1-24