Provider Network
Peoples Health administers the following Medicare Advantage health plans for 2023:
- Peoples Health Choices 65 (HMO-POS) Greater New Orleans and Baton Rouge Area
- Peoples Health Choices 65 (HMO-POS) Northshore
- Peoples Health Choices 65 (HMO-POS) Southland
- Peoples Health Choices 65 (HMO-POS) Rural Southeast
- Peoples Health Choices Gold (HMO-POS)
- Peoples Health Choices (PPO)
- Peoples Health Patriot (PPO)
- Peoples Health Secure Health (HMO-POS D-SNP)
- Peoples Health Secure Complete (HMO-POS D-SNP)
- Peoples Health Group Medicare (HMO-POS)
- Peoples Health Group Medicare (HMO-POS) Office of Group Benefits (OGB)
Accessing Services
Members of our Medicare plans can receive covered services from providers in the Peoples Health provider network. Those in the two Peoples Health Group Medicare plans and the two PPO plans may also access covered services out of network.
Use our online search tools to learn more about providers in the network for our Medicare plans.
Frequently Asked Questions
I completed the online application to join the Peoples Heath provider network but haven’t received a response. What should I do?
You should have received a response within 30 days of submitting your application. If your application was submitted more than 30 days ago and you have not been contacted by phone or letter, please email us at Please include the contact name and provider type on the application.
I want to submit an application to join the network, but I don’t have my Medicare number/PTAN yet. Can I submit the application in the meantime?
Since we are not able to process your application without a Medicare number/PTAN, you must wait until you are assigned a Medicare number/PTAN before you submit an application. Our online provider application requires that you include this information.
Do I need to submit documentation when completing the online provider application?
Yes, you will need to submit a curriculum vitae for each provider at your practice or facility who is interested in contracting with Peoples Health. In addition, you will need to have several pieces of information handy to complete the form, including your Medicare/PTAN and TIN numbers, as well as your Medicaid and CAQH numbers if applicable. Please review the instructions under the provider application link for all the information you will need.
I received a letter stating that my application was accepted. What happens now?
A Peoples Health contracting specialist will contact you in the near future to deliver a contract for your review.
- If you accept the terms, you must sign the contract and return it to Peoples Health.
- We will then initiate the credentialing process, which takes up to 90 days.
- After successful credentialing, our board of directors and Quality, Policy and Credentialing Committee will meet to approve your contract and establish a date that you become effective in the network.
- Finally, your Peoples Health contracting specialist and provider representative will schedule a meeting with you to deliver your welcome packet and provide an orientation to the network.
I received a letter stating that my application to join the network was denied. I don’t understand why. Can I speak with someone about it?
Yes, please call 1-800-631-8443 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. If your inquiry is about a physician application, ask to speak with our physician contracting manager. If your inquiry is about an ancillary or hospital facility application, ask to speak with our director of network development administration and ancillary contracting.
My application to join the network was denied. Can I reapply in the future?
Yes, you may reapply after 12 months have passed.
Contracting With Peoples Health
Providers interested in contracting with Peoples Health should complete a provider application.
Current Peoples Health network providers should email contracting questions or requests to We will direct your inquiry to the appropriate representative, who will contact you regarding your request. You can also contact your provider representative for assistance.